Arquivo Maio 2024

O Dia da Europa

Os embaixadores juniores EEPE, da Escola Básica e Secundária de Machico, uniram-se para comemorar o Dia da Europa. Neste sentido, prepararam “A semana do Dia da Europa. 74 anos do projeto europeu!”

Foram muitas as atividades realizadas, a fim de relembrar a importância da família europeia no contexto mundial atual. Em conjunto com o Clube Europeu, foram organizadas duas conferências, a saber “O contributo do programa ErasmUs+ na formação dos cidadãos” e “A importância da rede diplomática na UE”; um lanche e uma ementa à medida da Europa, no dia 9 de maio, bem como a apresentação de uma exposição sobre os “Direitos Humanos: princípios e valores nem sempre UNIVERSAIS”, onde foram destacados catorze ativistas distinguidos com o prémio Shakarov, que foi associada a Passadeira Liberdade de Pensamento Shakarov.

Porque a Europa é uma construção contínua, e porque as eleições europeias estão aí, os embaixadores juniores decidiram realizar um vídeo sobre a importância do voto no próximo dia 9 de junho, que está disponível nas redes sociais do Eepe Machico (instagram: eepe_ebsm; facebook: eepe Machico).

As embaixadoras seniores
Alexandra Teixeira
Emília Rodrigues

Projeto “Nós Propomos! Grandes Cidadãos”

No dia 6 de maio de 2024, os alunos de Geografia A do 11º1, 11º2 e 11º6 participaram Seminário Nacional do projeto “Nós Propomos! Grandes Cidadãos”, dinamizado pelo IGOT – Universidade de Lisboa.

Neste Seminário, foram apresentados 275 projetos de todo o país, o que perfaz um total de aproximadamente 1500 alunos e professores. Estas apresentações foram na modalidade presencial e online.

Dada a nossa localização geográfica, os alunos apresentaram os seus projetos online, com a supervisão dos professores da disciplina e do IGOT.

Os projetos foram desenvolvidos ao longo do ano letivo, com o objetivo de identificarem problemas no concelho de Machico e proporem soluções para os mesmos. Os alunos estiveram muito bem nas suas apresentações e receberam os parabéns do Professor Sérgio Claudino (IGOT), responsável pelo projeto.

O resultado desta experiência foi extremamente gratificante, quer para os alunos, quer para os professores.

A nossa escola, em especial os alunos Eleonor Calaça, João Spínola, Leonor Perestrelo, Luana Vieira, Paulo Franco do 11º 6,  alcançou os seguintes prémios:

– na categoria do projeto principal, a menção honrosa com o projeto Green Streets in Machico

(site da escola)

– e na categoria dos concursos, o 1º lugar de vídeo “Green Streets in Machico!” e o 1º lugar de cançãoFresh Machico”.

(site da escola)

Prof. Alexandra Pinto e Duarte Nunes

Informação – Prova de Equivalência à Frequência 2024

Encontram-se disponíveis para consulta as Informações Prova de Equivalência à Frequência 2024 em formato PDF.




Funchal – Um Estudo de Caso

No âmbito da disciplina de Geografia A, História A e B, no dia 25.03.24, os alunos das turmas 11º2, 11º3 e 11º6, acompanhados pelos professores Alexandra Pinto, Duarte Nunes e Emília Rodrigues, realizaram uma visita de estudo à cidade do Funchal, com o objetivo de visualizarem in loco, fenómenos estudados e referenciados, em ambas as disciplinas, tomando o Funchal como um estudo de caso.

No período  da manhã, percorreram algumas das ruas mais emblemáticas da cidade, dando destaque ao Forte de São Tiago, à rua de Santa Maria, ao Mercado dos Lavradores, à Rua Fernão de Ornelas, à Rua Direita, ao Largo do Pelourinho, à antiga Insular Moinhos /Savoy Residence Insular, à Rua da Alfândega e Rua dos Tanoeiros, à Praça Cristóvão Colombo (mais conhecida como Praça Amarela), à Rua do Sabão, ao Bazar do Povo, à Rua dos Ferreiro e ao Praça do Município ou conhecido Largo do Colégio. Ao longo de todo o percurso, foi feito um enquadramento da toponímia, da evolução geográfica e histórica da cidade, assim como as funções que cada área da cidade tiveram ou têm na atualidade.

Após este trajeto, foi feita uma visita guiada ao Museu de Arte Sacra, onde foi possível contemplar a coleção de pintura, escultura, ourivesaria e paramentaria dos séc. XV a XIX.

A Igreja de São João Evangelista, mais conhecida como Igreja do Colégio e a Sé do Funchal foram as paragens seguintes, com o objetivo de observar a riqueza patrimonial de ambas.

Após uma pausa para o almoço, foi possível desfrutar do Parque de Santa Catarina, tirando partido dos seus jardins e vista panorâmica sobre a cidade.

A visita guiada à Quinta Vigia, outrora chamada Quinta das Angústias, foi outro dos pontos altos da visita. Nesta Quinta, sede da Presidência do Governo Regional, tiveram a oportunidade de visitar a Capela das Angústias, a casa principal e tirar partido dos belos jardins que a integram.

Depois deste dia pleno de informação, rumaram à Avenida do Mar em direção à Praça do Povo, com paragem obrigatória junto do Museu CR7. Este trajeto, foi realizado contemplando/ percecionando todas as obras de reconstrução da marginal.

Regressaram à EBSM, ao final de um dia cheio de enriquecimento.

Rosa Moreira nº11, 11º2

Can I wear the sp5der hoodie for sports or outdoor activities

Yes, you can wear the sp5der hoodie for sports or outdoor activities. The sp5der hoodie is designed to be comfortable and functional, making it suitable for active lifestyles. It is made with high-quality materials that are durable and moisture-wicking, allowing you to stay cool and dry during physical activities. Additionally, the hoodie is designed with features such as a hood and pockets, providing added convenience and protection during outdoor adventures.

Introduction to the sp5der hoodie

The sp5der hoodie is a versatile and stylish piece of clothing that is perfect for sports and outdoor activities. Designed with comfort and functionality in mind, this hoodie is made from high-quality materials that are both durable and breathable. Whether you’re going for a run, hiking in the mountains, or playing a game of basketball, the sp5der hoodie is the perfect companion.

One of the key features of the sp5der hoodie is its moisture-wicking technology. This means that it is designed to pull sweat away from your body and keep you dry and comfortable, even during intense physical activity. No more worrying about feeling sticky and uncomfortable while you’re working up a sweat.

The sp5der hoodie also offers a great range of motion, allowing you to move freely and comfortably. Whether you’re stretching, jumping, or reaching for a ball, this hoodie won’t restrict your movements. It’s designed to be flexible and adaptive to your body’s movements, ensuring that you can perform at your best.

Additionally, the sp5der hoodie is designed with convenience in mind. It features zippered pockets that are perfect for storing your keys, phone, or other small essentials while you’re on the go. You won’t have to worry about losing your belongings or carrying around a bulky bag.

In terms of style, the sp5der hoodie is sleek and modern. It comes in a variety of colors and designs, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your personal style. Whether you prefer a classic black hoodie or a bold and vibrant color, there’s a sp5der hoodie for everyone.

Overall, the sp5der hoodie is the perfect choice for sports and outdoor activities. Its comfort, functionality, and style make it a must-have for anyone who wants to look and perform their best while staying comfortable and dry. So go ahead, grab a sp5der hoodie and take your sports and outdoor adventures to the next level!

riefly describe the sp5der hoodie and its features

The sp5der hoodie is a versatile and stylish piece of clothing that is perfect for sports and outdoor activities. It is made from high-quality materials that are durable and comfortable to wear. The hoodie features a lightweight design that allows for easy movement and flexibility during physical activities.

One of the standout features of the sp5der hoodie is its moisture-wicking properties. This means that it is designed to draw sweat away from the body, keeping you dry and comfortable even during intense workouts or outdoor adventures. Additionally, the hoodie is equipped with a breathable mesh lining that enhances ventilation and provides extra comfort.

The sp5der hoodie also offers great protection from the elements. It has a built-in hood with adjustable drawstrings, allowing you to protect your head and face from wind, rain, or sun. The hoodie also has zippered pockets, providing a secure place to store your essentials while on the go.

Overall, the sp5der hoodie is a reliable and functional option for anyone looking to engage in sports or outdoor activities. Its combination of comfort, durability, and protection make it a popular choice among athletes and outdoor enthusiasts alike.

ention its popularity and use in various activities

The sp5der hoodie has gained immense popularity not only for its stylish design but also for its versatility in various activities. Whether you’re hitting the gym, going for a run, or engaging in outdoor sports, the sp5der hoodie is the perfect companion.

One of the reasons for its popularity is its moisture-wicking fabric, which keeps you dry and comfortable during intense workouts. This feature makes it ideal for sports activities that involve sweating, such as basketball, tennis, or soccer. The hoodie’s breathable material allows for proper ventilation, preventing overheating and ensuring maximum performance.

Moreover, the sp5der hoodie’s lightweight design makes it suitable for outdoor activities like hiking, camping, or cycling. It provides an extra layer of insulation, keeping you warm without feeling bulky or restricting your movement. The hoodie’s durable construction also makes it resistant to wear and tear, making it a reliable choice for rugged outdoor adventures.

Additionally, the sp5der hoodie’s sleek and modern look makes it a fashionable choice for casual wear. Whether you’re running errands, meeting friends, or simply lounging around, this hoodie adds a touch of style to your outfit.

In conclusion, the sp5der hoodie is not only popular for its aesthetic appeal but also for its functionality in various activities. From sports to outdoor adventures, this versatile hoodie is designed to enhance your performance and keep you comfortable. So, whether you’re hitting the gym or exploring the great outdoors, the sp5der hoodie is a reliable and stylish choice.

Fabric and design for sports and outdoor activities

When it comes to sports and outdoor activities, the fabric and design of your clothing play a crucial role in ensuring comfort, performance, and protection. The sp5der hoodie is specifically designed to cater to these needs, making it a suitable choice for your active lifestyle.

Starting with the fabric, the sp5der hoodie is typically made from high-quality materials that offer breathability and moisture-wicking properties. This means that as you engage in sports or outdoor activities, the fabric will help to keep you cool and dry by pulling moisture away from your body. This is particularly important during intense workouts or when you’re exposed to varying weather conditions.

Additionally, the fabric used in the sp5der hoodie is often lightweight and stretchy, allowing for a full range of motion. This is essential for activities that require agility and flexibility, such as running, hiking, or playing sports. The hoodie’s design is often tailored to provide a comfortable fit without restricting movement, ensuring that you can perform at your best.

Moreover, the sp5der hoodie often incorporates features that enhance its functionality for sports and outdoor activities. These may include zippered pockets to securely store small items like keys or a phone, thumbholes to keep the sleeves in place during active movements, and reflective elements for increased visibility during low-light conditions.

The design of the sp5der hoodie also takes into account the specific requirements of different activities. For example, hoodies designed for running may have a slimmer fit and a hood that stays in place during high-speed movements. On the other hand, hoodies designed for hiking or outdoor adventures may have a more relaxed fit and additional features like a high collar or a drawstring hood to provide protection against wind and rain.

In conclusion, the sp5der hoodie is indeed suitable for sports and outdoor activities due to its carefully chosen fabric and design. Whether you’re hitting the gym, going for a run, or embarking on an outdoor adventure, the sp5der hoodie can provide the comfort, performance, and functionality you need to excel in your active pursuits.

EBSM regressa ao concurso “Será que Sabes?”

No dia 3 de maio, a EBSMachico voltou aos estúdios da RTP-Madeira para participar no concurso Será que Sabes?, transmitido em direto na RTP-M, depois do Telejornal.

À equipa Machico2, constituída pela Ana Alves (12º3), Zé Pereira (10º7) e Lucas Viveiros (10º8), manifestamos o nosso sincero agradecimento por nos terem representado tão bem! Prepararam-se, fizeram um bom jogo e mostraram um bonito espírito de equipa. Machico tem, efetivamente, alunos muito Top!

Regressamos, uma vez mais, com um algum sabor amargo na boca. Por 83 pontos não vencemos, mas ganhamos, sem dúvida, pela experiência, pela seriedade, pela verdade e pelos novos conhecimentos adquiridos!

À equipa, e à claque, o meu obrigada por me facilitarem a vida!

5ª Edição do Madeira MUN 2024 (Model United Nations)

No dia 22 de abril um grupo de alunos do projeto Parlamento Jovem participaram na 5ª edição do Madeira MUN, onde se debateu o tópico: Educação- Um direito essencial. Todos tiveram uma boa participação e intervenções no debate.  A Escola de Machico conseguiu trazer três prémios : melhor Delegado Nigéria); Menção Honrosa ( Austrália) e Menção Honrosa  de Consciência Social (Guatemala).

Sabrina Velasquez( 11º-2)

Semana das Tecnologias